Keyboard Previewer

by Yuzuru Jewell(KANAE PROJECT) produced by youwith. 03/14/12

KENBAN is a Windows application that displays your keystrokes in a small floating window.


KENBAN is a Windows application that displays your keystrokes in a small floating window.

* During the trial period, it opens download site after the boot, and the logo shows faintly under the window.


KENBAN 1.8 (03/14/12)

There is no limitation on the trial period. During the trial period, it opens download site after the boot, and the logo shows faintly under the window.

Virus checked by NOD32 ver.6926.


The Software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind.

In no case shall the author be liable for any damage or unwanted behavior of any computer hardware and/or software.

No Rental. Customer may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE to someone else.

All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to all images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and other information incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by KANAE PROJECT.

The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Accordingly, Customer is required to treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material, except as otherwise allowed pursuant to this LICENSE and that it may make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archive purposes.

Operating Environment

Windows 32bit

Windows 10 64bit/32bit

Windows 64bit

Windows 10 64bit / Windows 11

Install & Uninstall


There is no installer.


You can uninstall only by deleting the file called "KENBAN.exe".

How to use

Please right-click the window and choose "Setup" on the menu.
If you want close menu, please click "<-" Button.


You can change the opacity of the window.
You can change the size of the window.
You can change how long the image of the key you pressed persists on the screen.
Foreground Color
You can change the foreground Color.
Background Color
You can change the background Color.
You can change where on the screen the key window appears.
You can change the Style of the form.
It displays the status of the keyboard.
Keyboard + Mouse
It displays the status of the keyboard and mouse.

You can change the position of the window by dragging it with the mouse.

How to register

1) Please right-click the window.


2) Please choose "About" on the menu.


3) Please click the "Register" button.


4) Please enter the User Name and License Code.


5) Please click "OK" button.

Try & Buy

There is no limitation on the trial period.

Second Life user

Please purchase KENBAN Serial Code (license) from the KENBAN Serial Box in-world at: KANAE PROJECT Shop

- The operating environment has been changed to Windows 10/11.
- The operating environment has been changed to Windows 8.1/10.
03/14/12 KENBAN 1.8

- The delay function of the key and wheel display was added.
- Hint display function was added.
- The Return key and the enter key are distinguished.

03/01/12 KENBAN 1.7

- Max of Interveal was changed to 500ms.
- Popupmenu was changed to button style.
- The rearrangement of the form by dragging the mouse was improved.
- Custom was added to the Position option.
- The font is displayed bigger.
- Form Style of mouse was changed.
- Color property was added.

02/25/12 KENBAN 1.2

- The buges of setup was fixed.

02/18/12 KENBAN 1.1

- Form Style property was added.

02/11/12 KENBAN 1.0

- First release


Thanks to KJ Georgette for help with this Readme file.

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Please notify me of any mistakes in translation.